Lori Mae Hernandez is the 13-year-old comedian from Lancaster, California who’s winning the laughs on Season 11 of America’s Got Talent. Even at her tender age, Hernandez has been doing standup for three years. She discovered her talent while making her father, who was diagnosed with Bell’s Palsy, smile. During her AGT audition she makes the judges — including fellow standup comedian Howie Mandel — laugh.
Lori Mae makes jokes about babysitting and the fact that she doesn’t have much experience. “I don’t have a driver’s license. I can’t even sit in the front seat. I’m still on safety scissors, people!” She adds, “My only qualification to be a babysitter is that I used to be a baby. That’s crazy.” She goes on to say “Hey, you’re sick a lot. Ya wanna be my doctor?” And for the final zinger she says, “You were the host of a reality show; wanna become the president of the United States?” America’s Got Talent airs Tuesdays at 8pm on NBC.