On the West Texas Investors Club episode “The Last Pitcher Show,” a young man named Elliott Osborne from Chicago, Illinois pitches an electronic beer dispenser, the I-Tap. Elliott has the attention of Rooster McConaughey and Butch Gilliam when he explains that tapped kegs lose about 30 percent of beer due to foam and bad beer pouring. The I-Tap can save a stadium $1 million in beer a year. It’s currently being used at Chicago’s Soldier Field.
Elliott’s biggest obstacle in getting the $250,000 investment that he seeks from the West Texas Investors Club (for 10 percent of the company), is that he shows up without a sample of the product. Maybe Elliott’s father, John Osborne, the inventor of I-TAP, should have presented. In the 2014 video below, John Osborne announced that I-Tap entered into an agreement with Greg Norman’s Great White Shark Opportunity Fund for $1 million. The money was to be used for expansion capital and to support I-TAP’s sales efforts.” Will Elliott mention that line of credit on West Texas Investors Club? The show airs Tuesdays at 10pm on CNBC.