Bridget Marquardt was one of the three girlfriends of Playboy mogul Hugh Hefner who starred on the reality TV show Girls Next Door. Since the show ended, Bridget’s former roommate Kendra Wilkinson has said publicly that she and Bridget were “never friends.” Now, with a possible Girls Next Door reunion on the table, Kendra is apologizing to Bridget on her show, Kendra on Top.
While the third roommate Holly Madison has been busy publishing tell-all books about her life in and out of the Playboy Mansion, Bridget has been busy making holiday aprons. For years, she’s been making customized aprons for friends and family and now she’s selling them on Etsy. The most elaborate (and expensive) Celebrate with Bridget apron is the Tight Rope Walker Full Hostess Apron ($159), see below. Kendra on Top airs on Fridays at 9pm and 9:30pm on WEtv.
Celebrate With Bridget, Tight Rope Walker Full Hostess Apron, $159