On the Little Women: LA episode “Ride or Die Wedding,” the camera follows bride Briana Renee while she prepares for her big day. When Elena shows up and asks Briana who else has been invited, Briana says: “Just you and Jasmine.” That means, Tonya, Terra, and Christy are not on the wedding list. While Terra and Tonya celebrate their uninvited status, Christy breaks all kinds of etiquette codes and shows up to the wedding.
Many Little Women: LA fans believe Christy is trying to ruin Briana’s wedding because she’s jealous. Briana recently announced that she’s pregnant again while Christy hasn’t been able to conceive. Briana and her husband Matt are not going to reveal the gender yet — so they’re referring to the baby as Baby Briatt, a cute (?) combo of both their names. Little Women: LA airs Wednesdays at 9pm on Lifetime.