Taro Fukuyama is the co-founder and CEO of AnyPerk, an innovative Silicon Valley company that helps employers reward employees with perks and optimize employee satisfaction and productivity.
2paragraphs: What is the key to employee happiness?
Taro Fukuyama: The key to employee happiness is to listen, act, and then reinforce your actions. Employee happiness can be harder to achieve as a company grows. This is because as a company scales it becomes more difficult for leaders to understand what employees are thinking – what they want and what will make them happy. The key is to find out what employees value by listening to what they communicate is important to them. At AnyPerk, one way we do this is to regularly conduct employee engagement surveys. After you receive employee feedback, address what you heard with concrete actions and then continue to reinforce and support the changes you’ve put in place.
One mistake people make is thinking that addressing employee happiness is a one-time thing, and that if you boost morale in the short-term that’s enough, you can move on. That’s wrong. Employee happiness is something you have to continuously work on. After you’ve put processes or programs like AnyPerk in place that have proven to be effective in terms of improving employee happiness, you still need to reinforce their importance over time and make sure they’re adopted and become part of the company’s culture. This is key to ensuring employee happiness long-term.