The Teen Mom 2 episode “In the Dark” focuses on the twisted relationship between Jenelle Evans and her ex-fiance Nathan Griffith — and their ongoing custody issues involving their 21-month-old son Kaiser. When Evans goes to Griffith’s mom’s house to pick up Kaiser, Evans notices that her son’s adorable blond curls have been cut. Evans concludes that it was Griffith’s new girlfriend Jessica Henry who did it…and has a fit. It was Kaiser’s first haircut, “I wanna be there for that,” says Jenelle.
Jessica Henry is a professional hairstylist. The raven-haired Henry is also a competitive body builder. She’s competed in National Physique Committee events including the 2014 NPC Excalibur (click link to see official NPC photos). Teen Mom 2 airs Mondays at 10pm on MTV.
Jessica Henry (far left) with friend, May 2015, Facebook