On Part 2 of the Real Housewives of Atlanta Reunion, Porsha Williams accuses Kenya Moore of provoking Glen Rice, Jr. in Miami. The episode aired in December 2015. While in Miami, guest housewife Tammy McCord Browning invited her nephew Glen to the house where the ladies were staying and partying. During the evening, when Kenya felt uncomfortable with Glen in the house, Tammy told Glen it was time for him to leave. When Kenya chimed in in agreement, that’s when Glen turned to Kenya aggressively, “flashing gang signs” according to Kandi Burruss, and accidentally knocked down his Aunt Tammy who was trying to intervene.
[Who Is Tammy’s Nephew Glen Rice Jr. on Real Housewives of Atlanta?]
Porsha says she believes Kenya had every right to ask Glen Rice Jr to leave but it’s the dramatic way she did it that rubbed her the wrong way. “We have security and security could have gotten him out,” says Porsha. “You kept pushing him until you got a reaction.” Cynthia Bailey tries to defend Kenya’s action by saying “In that exact same situation, had it been Kandi or anyone else who had went up to the boy, it wouldn’t have been an issue,” which is actually Porsha’s point. No one is as dramatic as Kenya. Real Housewives of Atlanta airs Sundays at 8pm on Bravo.