With Star Wars: The Force Awakens about to open in theaters, director J.J. Abrams is making his rounds speaking with the press. 60 Minutes will air its interview with Abrams on December 13 at 7pm on CBS. Reporter Bill Whitaker follows longtime Star Wars “fanboy” Abrams around the sound stage where legendary composer John Williams conducts the orchestra playing the film’s soundtrack. Abrams, who takes a video on his camera of the orchestra, reveals to Whitaker, “As a fan, I can’t believe I get to be here.”
When Whitaker asks Abrams if any of this is intimidating, Abrams takes a pregnant pause and then says, “oh, yeah.” He adds, “There are moments of abject terror as to what we’re all taking on.” Abrams can thank his wife Kate McGrath for convincing him to take on the huge responsibility. He told Playboy in 2013 that “In the end it was my wife, Katie, who said if it was something that really interested me, I had to consider it.”