Having grumbled his way through the original Star Wars trilogy, famously dismissing George Lucas’s dialogue by telling the director “you can write this s***, but you sure as hell can’t say it,” and begging to have Han Solo killed off, Harrison Ford apparently has found his inner geek. First he surprised some Star Wars superfans on Omaze, and seemed genuinely happy to do it (yes, that really is Han Solo smiling). Now he’s sneaking into previews of Star Wars: The Force Awakens just for the hell of it.
At an IMAX theater at Sydney’s famous Opera House, fans were treated to a ten-minute sneak peek of the new movie, and were so enthralled by it, they didn’t notice that Ford was sitting among them. “At the conclusion of 10 breakneck minutes of footage from the notoriously secretive film, Ford stood up out of his seat. As if by magic, a spotlight hit the actor, who promised the audience that there was plenty more where that came from, and asked us to keep our lips sealed,” reports Bmag. The movie opens on December 18th. And yes, Ham Yoyo (Ford’s nickname for his character) will be a part of it.