In the three-part Syfy TV series Childhood’s End based on the Arthur C. Clarke book, Earth is invaded by aliens who bring apparent utopia to the planet. No more war, poverty, disease or crime. Some humans suspect there’s a hitch, for example, the eventual extinction of humanity. Their suspicions spike when they get a glimpse of Overlords leader Karellen who bares a striking resemblance to the devil (red face, horns, et al).
[Childhood’s End — Satan Holding Children’s Hands]
Someone in the Syfy creative department had the idea to create a children’s book, Children’s Guide to Utopia, that looks like authentic 1950s propaganda. It has that 1950s aesthetic reminsicent of Dick and Jane books for young readers. Illustrated by Ross MacDonald, Children’s Guide to Utopia explains how the Overlords have made Earth a better place to live. The children thank the Overlords for curing their grandfather of cancer and enabling their wheelbound friend Milo to walk. You can see the entire book here. Part 3 of Childhood’s End airs December 16 at 8pm on Syfy.