Carly Fiorina made it perfectly clear she knows about drugs and their horrific effects during the first GOP debate. “My husband Frank and I buried a child to drug addiction,” Fiorina said. “So we must invest more in the treatment of drugs.” It’s true that Fiorina buried her child, but the victim, her stepdaughter, was a full-fledged adult when she died of complications due to drug and alcohol addiction at the age of 35.
Fiorina, like many people, is caught between the reality of drugs finding young people despite the current status of the law (so why not legalize and regulate?) and the undeniable idea that decriminalization will lead to less hesitation in embarking on a drug-aided path for young people. “We are misleading young people when we tell them that marijuana is just like having a beer. It’s not,” Fiorina warns. She reveals more about her struggles with the marijuana issue in her book, Rising to the Challenge: My Leadership Journey.