Well, here’s an unforeseen consequence of legalizing cannabis: an increase in chances that your pet will get high. Bodhi is one of those dogs that will eat whatever he can sniff out, which probably wouldn’t be an issue in Idaho, but is a problem in Denver. On Tuesday the dog ate a discarded pot brownie, and almost immediately became sick and showed erratic behavior, according to his owner, Katherine Edwards. “His behavior was so drastic, so scary,” Edwards said. “He lost control of his bowels all over the house. He started seizing, twitching.”
By Wednesday he was even worse. Edwards rushed him to the Denver Animal Hospital, where she learned Bodhi had ingested a large amount of THC, and would need a few days to come down. Bodhi is now recovering and Edwards can finally relax and joke about the fact that he was so stoned, she “should have taken him to Taco Bell.” There’s a lesson here, stoners: not only is littering bad, it’s potentially dangerous. Also, dude, why would you throw away perfectly good weed?