Shaun the Sheep is the latest animation film from Aardman Animations, the brilliant British studio behind Wallace & Gromit. The protagonist of the film is Shaun the Sheep, who doesn’t speak but bleats. Without loud, fast-talking characters usually found in Pixar films (Toy Story, Cars, Monsters, Nemo), Shaun is able to quietly lead a flock of sheep off the farm. Universal hilarity ensues.
The quietness of Shaun the Sheep makes it an ideal movie pic for younger children — and in any country. AV Club writes of Shaun the Sheep: “With sound limited primarily to animal noises, human grunts, and Great Escape-like theme music, it creates a farm where virtually all of the side characters—a duck who accepts bread-based bribes, rude and confrontational pigs—provide moments of delight.”