LinkedIn is trending on Google. Here’s why. A survey by Pew Research says that only 13% of LinkedIn users use the site daily, while 70% of Facebook users log in. Basically LinkedIn has the same big problem/challenge that every other media operation has — from the New York Times to Twitter: getting people to visit and hang around so they can be shown more ads. But LinkedIn turned the bad news over to its PR department — and it’s getting major media outlets to tell people (no, to warn people) that they’re using LinkedIn wrong. And that it could hurt them, could take food out of the mouths of their children.
Huffpost published a story titled: You’re Probably Using LinkedIn Wrong — And That Could Cost You Your Next Job. Huffpost begins its coverage/promotion like this: “It’s time to start using LinkedIn a little more like Facebook or Twitter.” Got that? LinkedIn’s investors demand it. USA Today published an article the same day entitled: “7 ways to take your LinkedIn profile from mediocre to amazing.” The following day Forbes published: “How To Build Your Reputation As A Leader On LinkedIn.” Think this PR push will work? Are you scared enough about your future to start spending more time reading career advice from Richard Branson on LinkedIn?