Bruce “Two Dogs” Bozsum is the former Chairman of The Mohegan Tribal Council which is responsible for the Mohegan Sun gaming, hotel and entertainment businesses. Before passing the chairman responsibilities onto the next person of his Native American Tribal Council, “Two Dogs” worked undercover on the TV show Undercover Boss. CBS invited a few “Native urbanites” to watch the episode in Studio City, California. Those who attended “waited for some unexpected punchline to slap us in the face, but it never came.”
Sonny Skyhawk wrote about his experience watching the show at the studio for Indian Country Today Media Network. “After it ended our very discerning and critical crowd let out a surprising steady and appreciative round of applause…we had experienced a rare occurrence in Hollywood: a feel-good Native storyline and portrayal. We are so accustomed to seeing our people playing the stereotypical villain or second banana to a masked man, that we are awed by any depiction that breaks that mold.” CBS is re-airing the Undercover Boss episode featuring “Two Dogs” on May 29 at 8pm.