On the TV comedy The Mindy Project, Jeremy has a surprise run-in with Morgan’s girlfriend, Dr. Jessica Lieberstein. Jessica is portrayed by Julia Stile,s who isn’t known for her comedic roles. She’s best known for her role in the action/thriller Bourne films with Matt Damon. And her debut on a TV series was as rape victim/vigilante killer Lumen Pierce on Dexter. Not funny.
But loyal Stiles fans say yes, she is funny. All you need to do is re-watch the film 10 Things I Hate About You. Stiles played Kat Stratford (opposite Heath Ledger). Kat has a wonderfully sassy demeanor. As Kelly Schremph wrote, comparing Stiles’ roles as Kat and Jessica: “Morgan would have no choice but to fall for her instantly. Just like we did.” The question is will Stiles bring some of Kat’s personality to her Mindy role? The Mindy Project airs Tuesdays at 9:30pm on Fox.