Ex-sheriff Richard Mack has no health insurance–like any self-respecting self-sufficient libertarian. But Mack’s recent illness brings shocking information: doctors and hospitals charge fees. Sometimes large ones. The former Arizona sheriff, who fought vehemently against Obamacare, is now having trouble paying his medical expenses after his “cardiac medical emergency.” So there’s a campaign to raise money on GoFundMe to pay his (and his uninsured wife’s) medical expenses! The goal? $30,000. Many donations have come with the helpful suggestion that he sign up for coverage under the Affordable Care Act, instead of begging. Begging is not good for the heart, according to studies.
When Mack’s not campaigning against universal health insurance, he heads the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association— an organization that encourages local “sovereign” resistance against federal laws protecting civil rights. In other words, Mack is a sheriff with no respect for the law. For good measure, Mack is also prone to comparing the Obama administration to Hitler’s regime: “It is so scary how many similarities there are between Nazi Germany and the Obama administration.” But then nobody in Nazi Germany could turn to GoFundMe for help.