Reddit is a great wonder of our time. Google, Apple and Amazon get more attention–and those corporate behemoths dwarf the “Front Page of the Internet” (as Reddit styles itself) in revenues and much else. But when historians look back, Reddit may offer more clues to our culture than our beveled iPhones or trending searches. Reddit is the 21st century Tower of Babel. And it remains sustained by the ethos that allows its many voices equal space–all free and all only as popular as they can manage to make themselves.
Reddit’s guiding spirit is in abundant evidence in its newest charitable endeavor. The company that doesn’t seem like a company has announced that it will donate 10% of its 2014 revenue to charities. Ten charities, to be exact. Which ones? Well that’s up to you, if you’re a Reddit user. (Man, what if Google did that?) You can go here to select a charity and vote for it.