How far would you go to proclaim how much you love your significant other? Flowers once a week, say? Surprise romantic getaway? Hiding gifts around the house? Pah – that sort of thing is for amateurs. One redditor decided the only proper way to show his girlfriend how much she meant to him was to write her 365 love-notes, one for each day of the year … and color-code them: yellow for memories, pink for the reasons he loves her, and green for meaningful quotes and lyrics. The notes sit in an enormous mason jar. The jar’s label reads “Contained within ‘The 365 Jar’ are three hundred and sixty five handwritten notes … Every morning for the next year you can pick one out and it (in theory) will be a nice start to the day for you.”
Romantics might think he is the most thoughtful boyfriend on the planet. Cynics might think he has way too much time on his hands, is possibly a control freak and probably has a hidden agenda (we’re thinking that maybe he’s stashed a Dear Jane in there somewhere). Comments on TheOnlyOne87‘s idea range from sappy (“This is adorable”) to funny (“Note #65: “don’t forget to feed dog.’ Note #87: ‘get new dog.'”) to cynical (“I must be the only woman in the world who finds this way too cheesy”) to somewhat terrifying (“Yeah, my ex and I used to write each other notes on post its, then stick them to the one large plain wall next to our bed … It started cute, having to spot the new note, being excited to see a new one… But he was really, REALLY psychotic I found out pretty quickly… So the notes just became another thing he’d use to apologize after hurting me or stalking me/my friends, or for him to claim I didn’t love him enough because I hadn’t written him a note that day.”).