Disney released the name of the bad guy holding the new, red tri-blade lightsaber in the Star Wars: The Force Awarkens trailer. Everyone’s been talking about the new weapon. Now everyone’s talking about the dude holding it. Turns out his name is Kylo Ren. Star Wars fans are scratching their heads because characters who use the red lightsaber, the Sith, have the title “Darth” in front of their name, ala Darth Vader.
While others speculate why Kylo Ren is Darth-less, we think Kylo Ren might actually be a good guy. Maybe Ren refers to the virtue of altruism in Confucianism. The Chinese philosopher Confucius believed that everyone is born with the sense of Rén–with goodness in their hearts. When asked, Confucius defined it by the ordinary Chinese word for love, ai, saying that it meant to “love others.”