While governments tussle over minimum wage laws, technology quickly pushes forward and changes the debate. A company called Momentum Machines has built a fast food restaurant kitchen robot it claims “does everything employees can do except better.” Momentum is schooled not only in engineering, but PR too. It’s savvy enough to position its technology on the side of the people. The robot will “democratize access to high quality food making it available to the masses.” But where will the masses work?
The robot is super efficient–and in keeping with the times it offers a powerful degree of personalization. Machines have been replacing employees in multiple industries for centuries, from the cotton gin to new steel processing techniques. A car assembly line today doesn’t look anything like Henry Ford’s did. But certain industries like fast food have been virtually immune, requiring human hands. Now more Jetsons-type technology–and the Momentum Machines burger robot is a perfect example–is penetrating deeper into tasks previously thought of as “human” only. Getting those humans out of the way, Momentum proposes it will create “The First Smart Restaurant.”