Superman–just look at the name–is a tough enemy to have. So word is that super-villain Lex Luthor will be getting some back-up in Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, slated for 2016. The Latino-Review reports that the serial killer Victor Zsasz will battle Ben Affleck’s stunt double–er, Ben Affleck’s Batman. And Luthor will hire Morgan Edge and David Cain to do some, you know, assassinating.
These sound plausible. But the film, like the superheroes themselves, is shrouded in secrecy–with rumors rampant and misinformation everywhere. Fake scripts are supposedly circulating and it’s thought they might even be coming from inside the production, where its imperative to conceal any big reveals until show time. All the actors are under binding contracts to stay mum, which, besides the acting chops and star power, is probably why they have all old pros in the lineup. Actors include: Laurence Fishurne, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Diane Lane, Jesse Eisenberg , Jeremy Irons and Holly Hunter. The producers can afford them. The Motley Fool predicts Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice will “sail past $1 billion at the box office.”