When Hollywood movie star Salma Hayek (Frida, Grown Ups) shared the photos below — of her horseback riding on the beach in a black bra and white pants — she captioned the series: “Chasing sunsets.” The 56-year-old Oscar nominee reports that she’s in her native land, Mexico.
Hayek’s fans are going wild over the new pics. As one replied, “Breathtaking!” Another chimed in, “Beyond stunning!” And more than one fan deemed the horse “Lucky.”
Below are more photos of Hayek enjoying her vacation. When she dropped the series below (of her in a yellow bikini) her scuba diving instructor replied “That’s why my Instagram exploded!” The diving master told Hayek: “Miss your face and miss eating invasive lionfish with you. You’re the most humble and amazing person I ever met. Looking forward to dive with you soon.”
Get ready to see more of Hayek: she will appear next on the big screen in Angelina Jolie‘s upcoming war movie, Without Blood, based on the novel of the same title by Italian writer
Alessandro Baricco, who also wrote Silk, which was turned into the 2007 film starring Keira Knightley and Michael Pitt.
Above are photos of Jolie and Hayek on a set of Without Blood, in Rome, Italy.