Marvel Comics fans are excited about the upcoming Disney+ action/comedy series Ms. Marvel, the sixth television series in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) produced by Marvel Studios. The protagonist is Pakistani-American teenager Kamala Khan (newcomer Iman Vellani) who lives in Jersey City, New Jersey, where she writes superhero fan fiction and learns she has superhero polymorphous powers.
Kamala Khan’s frenemy — the tall, blond, gorgeous “IT girl” character Zoe Zimmer (far right in image below) — is portrayed by model/actress Laurel Marsden, who is best known for her role as Kara in Survive with Sophie Turner.
When Laurel shared the stunning sheer top selfies below, her fans went wild with praise including: “mcu zoe is gonna be an icon” and “You got me drooling,” among others. P.S. That top is by Heaven by Marc Jacobs.
Ms. Marvel is scheduled for an early 2022 premiere on the streaming service Disney+.