It’s been six years since Hollywood movie star Meg Ryan has graced the big screen. The last time was in the 2015 film Ithaca based on the William Saroyan novel “The Human Comedy.” She also directed the drama starring Tom Hanks, Sam Shepard, and her son Jack Quaid (son of Meg’s ex-husband Dennis Quaid). Based on the incredibly sexy photo below, it looks like Meg is getting ready for something big!
Meg is wearing the “Cameron” dress by Cult Gaia, which is is taught at the center with a knot. The floor length knit dress “features a halter neckline, thoughtful cutouts and open back.” The label says: “the Cameron is going to be worth the hype.” Indeed.
When Meg shared the stunning photo, her fans and famous friends are going wild for the pic. One fan replied: “I’ll have what she’s having” (a reference to her famous scene in When Harry Met Sally), and Ali Wentworth replied: “Wowza!!” with a series of fire emojis.
The photographer of the gorgeous photos above, Firooz Zahedi, recently reported that Meg Ryan has “been busy putting together film projects to direct and act in so that’s why you’ve not seen much of her lately. But she’ll be back to entertain you soon.”