The protagonist of the Lifetime movie Dying For a Daughter (originally titled A Mother’s Secret) is working mom Sam (Melanie Nelson). After a terrifying car accident leaves her 10-year-old daughter Cassie (Scarlett Roselynn) severely injured, Sam hires gorgeous live-in-nurse Margaret (Brittany Underwood) to help her daughter recover.
Turns out Margaret is embittered over the loss of her own child and believes Cassie is hers. Sam and her husband Tom (Brandon Ray Olive) adopted Cassie ten years ago. Actress Brittany said of her role: “I’m only like….. a liiiittttllleee crazy in this one.”
Brittany Underwood is known for her roles on The Bay (Riley Henderson), Youthful Daze (Sheila Edmundson), Hollywood Heights (Loren Tate), and on the daytime soap opera One Life to Live (Langston Wilde), among others. She also sings and writes songs (video below)!
Dying For a Daughter premieres on Lifetime Movie Network (LMN) on Saturday, November 7 at 8 pm.