In Season 3 of the CBS sitcom The Neighborhood, encouraged by his neighbor Calvin Butler (Cedric the Entertainer), Dave Johnson (Max Greenfield) runs for Pasadena City Council. But trying to beat the charming incumbent, Isaiah Evans (guest star Wayne Brady, Let’s Make a Deal, Who’s Line Is It Anyway) won’t be easy. Dave lacks the flash and swag that three-piece suit-wearing Isaiah brings wherever he goes.
When not filming The Neighborhood, Wayne has been quarantining with his gorgeous ex-wife Mandie Taketa and their 17-year-old daughter — who both look amazing in a string bikini (see below). Wayne calls them “the two most beautiful women in my life.”
The Neighborhood airs Mondays at 8 pm on CBS, right before Bob (Hearts) Abishola at 8:30 pm, All Rise at 9 pm, and Bull at 10 pm.