The pilot of the CW series Nancy Drew, based on the famous mystery book series, reveals America’s favorite teen detective as an 18-year-old who has put her college plans on hold. Nancy Drew (Kennedy McMann) and four friends have witnessed the murder of Tiffany Hudson (Sinead Curry) outside the restaurant where Nancy works, which makes them all suspects.
The five young adults team up and try to find the young socialite’s real killer. Nancy suspects Tiffany’s husband, Ryan Hudson (Riley Smith).
Prior to the premiere of Nancy Drew, 5’8″ Sinead Curry shared her new professional head shots in which she is not wearing a bra.
Curry reports: “A wonderful upshot of getting new headshots by @lizrosa is that I have been offered modeling rep by @alaeriaagency.” Curry was last represented as a model five years ago.
Nancy Drew airs Wednesdays at 9 pm on CW, right after the hit teen drama Riverdale based on Archie Comics.