She transforms, that’s what the fans love most about Khloe Kardashian. She can be Khloe in so many different ways, yet stay true to her real persona — even as it shifts and and alters like a chameleon. The latest incarnation of Khloe (that sounds like a good movie title, doesn’t it? The Incarnation of Khloe) is as a blonde Marilyn Monroe. But she is also very much also part Norma Jean (Marilyn’s real name) as Khloe does — or at least pretends to do — that most pedestrian of chores: laundry. And like Marilyn, Khloe is smoking.
That’s a lot of jeans, Khloe! As one of the top commenters says: “best of all Kardashians” — and it’s hard to disagree. The style is always on point, even as the point moves around like a comet.