Days before Dancing with the Stars Mirror Ball trophy ballroom dance winner Cheryl Burke married actor Matthew Lawrence, she made a video of herself putting together gift bags for her bridal party, plus the rehearsal dinner and the wedding. With her assistant on maternity leave, Burke explains that she bought most of the stuff on Amazon.
The bride decides to bedazzle the Tic Tac boxes in the hangover bags (which will be distributed at the rehearsal dinner). Each bag includes Advil, Emergen-C, Band-aids, among other things. In the video she painstakingly uses tweezers to glue rhinestones on each Tic Tac box. The video is almost 6 minutes long.
The most interesting part of the video is about at the 5:16 mark when Cheryl reveals the black tote bags she had designed for the wedding party. It has a white bow on it and her name in white script with a white heart. Because, why not?
Burke and Lawrence married on Thursday, May 23…