The protagonist of the Lifetime movie The Twisted Son (originally titled Thicker Than Water) is Paige Decker. One year ago, she and her husband Nathan (Tygh Runyan) tragically lost their teenage son Zach (Jason Smiley). Nathan and daughter Addie (Katie Douglas, Mary Kills People) have slowly been putting their lives back together, but Paige hasn’t been as willing to let go. Without Paige working, the family decides to supplement her lost income by renting out their spare bedroom. When Zach’s doppelganger, a college student named Brandon (Eric Osborne) shows up, Paige couldn’t be happier. But her happiness is short-lived when creepy Brandon reveals a darker side.
[Check out Roth on Rescue Me with Denis Leary]
Bereft mom Paige in The Twisted Son is portrayed by Andrea Roth. The Canadian-born actress is known for her roles on Marvel’s Cloak & Dagger (Melissa Bowen), Netflix’s 13 Reasons Why (Noelle Davis), Rogue (Marlene), Ringer (Catherine Martin), Rescue Me (Janet Gavin, see link above), and Blue Bloods (Kelly Davidson), among others. The Twisted Son premieres on Lifetime on Sunday, March 24 at 8 pm.
So proud to be part of the @Marvel universe! #AntManAndTheWasp @CloakAndDagger #Cloakanddagger
— Andrea Roth (@andrearoth888) June 28, 2018