Jones Scones is a line of all-natural traditional British cream scones which comes in three flavors: chocolate, blueberry and cranberry. (A four-pack sells for $9.99.) Founder J. Jones of Denver, Colorado pitched his business on Shark Tank in May 2013. He went into the Tank seeking a $100,000 investment in exchange for 25 percent equity but, alas, Jones did not leave with a deal.
[Stick Fingers Scones are popular at Amazon]
Five years after his appearance on Shark Tank, Jones is still hustling his Jones Scones and trying to figure out how to get his product into Starbucks and Whole Foods nationwide (see video below). The company just celebrated its 20th year in business in 2018. On Shark Tank, Jones mentioned putting his law career on hold for Jones Scones but he has since returned to the profession. The George Washington University National Law Center graduate describes himself as a “nightlife lawyer” who specializes in DUIs, family law and wills. New episodes of Shark Tank air Sunday nights on ABC. [Related: 27 Favorite ‘Shark Tank’ Products at Amazon]