Talking to his base through Sean Hannity’s Fox News program, former White House insider Steve Bannon called Republican Sen. Bob Corker a “disgrace.” Corker has portrayed Donald Trump as unfit to serve and a danger to world peace in recent comments. (Corker said the president’s unchecked rhetoric could put the US on a “path to World War III.”) Bannon may no longer be officially employed by the White House, but as a rogue player — and once again the editor of Breitbart — Bannon still does Trump’s bidding and without the constraints of an official position. “If Bob Corker has any honor, any decency, he should resign immediately,” Bannon told Fox. (Setting off Bannon could well have been Corker’s comment that the White House was becoming an “adult daycare center” with Trump as the patient-in-chief. )
The idea of the President in diapers — a signature feature in the adult daycare environment — isn’t much different from criticism leveled at Trump by Democrats. It’s just that the Dems have tended to portray Trump and his Twitter tantrums as infantile, so the the presidential diapers Dems imagine Trump wearing are more the type for babies, not seniors. Either way, if you’re going to say the president needs diapers and adult supervision, it’s clear Steve Bannon will be coming after you. Corker has said he won’t run for re-election, a fact that seems to have freed him up to speak in opposition to the leader of his party.