MTV is taking its Teen Mom reality TV show franchise across the pond to England. In the series premiere of Teen Mum, four young English moms, Chloe, Megan, Mia and Naomi, are introduced. “If being a teen mom is tough, then being a teen mum is a royal pain,” is how the show is promoted in the trailer. They also note that: “Everything’s better with an accent.” The accents may be different but the drama that comes with young motherhood, as seen on Teen Mom, is universal.
In the UK, we meet Naomi and her toddler daughter Kaia; Megan and her baby boy McKenzie; Mia (who’s pregnant); and Chloe with “the man of her dreams” Marley. During the premiere season, 18-year-old Chloe of Nottingham — who says “I believe I’m a brilliant mom” — reveals that she’s signed up Marley to become a baby model. Teen Mum airs Mondays at 10pm and 11pm on MTV.