During the sixth round of auditions on America’s Got Talent, Season 12, the judges and audience will watch in awe two acts from Argentina: German Cornejo Dance Company is led by a World Champion tango dancer from Buenos Aires, and balancing acrobat Jonathan Rinny who performs with circuses around the world. For his audition, Rinny balances himself on a tall stack of skateboards, among other things! Simon Cowell says Rinny’s performance as “the best Rolla Bolla act I have ever seen.” Rolla Bolla are classic balance props that consist of a cylinder and a board.
[Left: This Rolla Bolla Balance Board Trainer is made of “bombproof” construction]
In August, Jonathan married Caroline nee Huang Rinny who is also a circus performer (an aerialist). Jonathan called it a “circus wedding.” See photos from their wedding below. America’s Got Talent airs Tuesdays at 8pm on NBC.