When the comedic duo Men with Pans walks onto the stage of America’s Got Talent, they are fully clothed in chef costumes (white hats, white jackets, black pants) and armed with frying pans. When it’s time for them to perform, they go off-stage for a moment and then return on stage naked. Well, they’re still wearing the hats and they cover their private parts with the frying pans. When the men start dancing, Simon Cowell hits his buzzer. Mel B also hits her buzzer. The audience continues to laugh and applaud. Heidi Klum convinces Mel B to change her mind so the Men with Pans can return.
Men with Pans are Colm O’Grady and Kevin Brooking. Watch them perform their routine outdoors in a French park, and listen to kids in the audience cracking up. Would they be able to do that in Central Park? America’s Got Talent airs Tuesdays at 8pm on NBC. Reruns air Fridays at 8pm.