At the 23rd annual Screen Actors Guild Awards gala on January 29, actresses Jane Fonda and Dolly Parton will present their 9 to 5 co-star Lily Tomlin with the SAG Life Achievement Award. The ceremony aches with opportunities for political statements (a la Meryl Streep), and not just because the three plucky women triumph over a sexist, narcissistic boss in their famous film. Jane Fonda, for one, has been very vocal about her disdain for President Donald Trump. Lily Tomlin is also not a fan. Fonda and Tomlin recently attended the Women’s March in Washington with Dolly Parton’s goddaughter Miley Cyrus (see below). But what about Dolly Parton’s political stance, while all her pals are marching in protest? Parton’s a country singer, of course, so many assume she’s a Republican since it often breaks that way these days.
But Parton isn’t as easy to pin down as Cyrus, Fonda and Tomlin. During an interview with The New York Times in July 2016, Parton said: “Hillary might make as good a president as anybody ever has. I think no matter if it’s Hillary or Donald Trump, we’re gonna be plagued with PMS either way — presidential mood swings! But I personally think a woman would do a great job. I think Hillary’s very qualified. So if she gets it, I’ll certainly be behind her.” Clinton is a fan of Parton, too. In 1995, she had a Dolly Parton-themed birthday party. (See below.) Fonda and Tomlin currently star in the Netflix original Grace and Frankie. Screen Actors Guild Awards airs Sunday, January 29 at 8pm on TNT.
#TBT to the time Hillary had a @DollyParton-themed birthday party in 1995. ?
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) November 6, 2015