The new reality TV show Total Bellas follows the lives of WWE Divas, Nikki and Brie Bella. Both women are in relationships with WWE wrestlers. Brie is married to Daniel Bryan, who just retired. And Nikki has been in a long relationship with WWE Champion John Cena. All four WWE professionals starred in Total Divas but in Total Bellas, the four stars live together…in John Cena’s house.
[Nikki Bella Keeps Lying To John Cena]
The premiere episode ‘The Cena House Rules’ explains why Brie and Bryan have moved in (to take care of Nikki after her surgery). According to TV Guide, “John’s strict house rules have the Bellas walking on eggshells to keep him happy.” Nikki at one point says, “I feel totally trapped like I’m living in a padded cell.” Total Bellas airs Wednesdays at 8pm on E!