Brothers Kevin and Brian Fleming of Kansas City, Missouri invented BagBowl, a line of foldable, plastic storage zip bags that turned into bowls. They pitched their company on Shark Tank in 2012 and made a deal with Lori Greiner — $40,000 for 33 percent equity. The company has since faded online. (While the website is no longer, there are a handful Bagbowl Bowl Sets available on Amazon – see pic/link below)
[pictured: Bagbowl Bowl Sets $35, free shipping]
After Shark Tank, according to their LinkedIn accounts, Kevin Fleming became Vice President of Business Development and Channel Sales at Cavern Technologies, and recently moved to London where he’s now Managing Director at IDEAPULT, a sales company for US companies looking to sell their products in Europe. Brian Fleming is co-owner of Secure Medical Transport, a company that provides non-emergency ambulatory, wheelchair and stretcher service in the Kansas City area.
[Related: 27 Favorite ‘Shark Tank’ Products at Amazon — New List]