In the Thicker Than Water: The Tankards episode “Hard Knock Life,” while in her hometown of Detroit, Jewel Tankard reveals to her daughters that after her parents lost their business, Jewel had to find a way to provide for her family. She learned how to be tough. Jewel explains that she sought out drug dealing boyfriends. They thought it was macho giving pretty girls money. “It was stupid, I know,” says Jewel, “but it was the mindset back then… until they started getting indicted and dying.”
Over dinner, Jewel admits that she did go to jail. “Me and little Felicia go to the mall and steal some lingerie and they catch us,” she says. When her daughters ask her why lingerie, Jewel says, “Whatever was going to be fun. That’s all we wanted.” Jewel was 19 years old about the time her parents starting losing everything. “I was still trying to fake it, like everything was good.” Thicker Than Water: The Tankards airs Sundays at 10pm on Bravo.