You can map almost anything these days, from state stereotypes to what people Google the most to which kind of porn is popular where and how long people spend watching it (the good citizens of Vermont and Rhode Island are quite, er, efficient, and generally get off … excuse me, log off after only a few minutes). The latest map of the nation’s habits focuses on something arguably far more hurtful and ultimately less appealing — Hate. Housing site Abodo has put together a study analyzing tweets by state to determine where all the intolerant bigots actually live.
“We decided to look at the language Americans use when tweeting about different races, ethnicities, genders, religions, and sexual orientations.” More than 12 million tweets were collected and analyzed, with a focus on their language, from PC to prejudiced. Louisiana topped the chart in both racist and sexist slurs. Wyoming is the most tolerant state (or at any rate it’s the least intolerant). The study also examined usage of homophobic, transphobic, and anti-disabled slurs. If after reading the study, you’re thinking you’d like to move to the nice, polite, somewhat tolerant Midwest, I’m way ahead of you: here’s a list of charming apartments for rent in Madison, Wisconsin.