In the Life in Pieces episode “Pestilence War Famine Death,” while John and Joan get into a literally heated debate with their neighbors in the hot tub, Greg (Colin Hanks) and Jen (Zoe Lister-Jones) invite their exterminator Oscar and his wife over for dinner. Last time the Shorts saw Oscar, he was chasing a skunk and revealed: “I got nine kids…all boys and girls.”
Oscar is portrayed by Martin Starr. He’s known for his TV roles on Silicon Valley (Bertram Gilfoyle) and Freaks and Geeks (Bill Haverchuck). and in the films Knocked Up (Martin), This Is the End, Veronica Mars (Stu ‘Cobb’ Cobbler), Superbad (James Masselin) and most recently Intruders
(Perry), among others. Life in Pieces airs Thursdays at 8:30pm on CBS.