Veteran actor Sylvester Stallone is nominated for an Oscar at the 2016 Academy Awards. He’s been nominated twice before for Best Actor and Best Screenplay for his debut movie Rocky. Now he’s up for Best Supporting Actor in Creed, a sequel of sorts of Rocky. On a Special Edition of 20/20, Robin Roberts interviews Stallone and asks questions regarding his career before Rocky, before becoming famous.
Stallone tells a story about living in a flop house (where he paid $26 a week) and not being able to get cast as an Italian. When he tried to get cast in the film The Godfather, for a party scene that included 300 people, he was told he “just didn’t fit in.” Stallone confessed the experience played with his psyche a little bit. Special Edition of 20/20 airs the Friday before the Oscars, on February 26 at 10pm on ABC.