Sir Elton John represents many things to many people. He was one of the quintessential rock stars in the 1970s. He became synonymous with glamorous beauties like Marilyn Monroe and Princess Diana for his memorable tribute to both in the form of “Candle in the Wind.” He wowed Central Park in a duck suit in the 80s. He beat alcoholism and drug abuse. He came out as gay and became, in his own words, the “most famous gay person” on the planet. More recently, when Russian president Vladimir Putin was accused of persecuting gays in Russia, it was Elton John who had a talk with Putin. Along the way Sir Elton has sold more than 300 million records.
But it’s his versatility that’s so rare in the business. And his willingness to disrupt stereotypes and any attempt to pigeonhole him. Elton John was perfect, absolutely perfect, performing that great ode to life’s magical mysteries, The Lion King‘s “Circle Of Life“, at Disneyland’s 60th anniversary show. After all who in the pop universe has strolled through more of life’s twists and turns and come more full circle than Elton John? But the thing about Elton John is he was just as perfect — by all reports — when he performed at Rush Limbaugh‘s wedding. The conservative talk show host may traffic in emotions very different than those that Disney specializes in, but Elton John fits in everywhere.