Speed painting artist Robert Channing painted leading GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump and then dusted his visage in gold. The video lasts just 26 seconds, about the amount of time it takes Trump to get his supporters into a lather at campaign events. Channing’s video has a nice Trump touch — the audio accompaniment is Twisted Sister’s “We’re Not Gonna Take It.” That’s what the lather is all about.
Channing won fans on NBC’s America’s Got Talent program by speed painting self-proclaimed “King of All Media” Howard Stern. But these days Donald Trump is the King of All Media — if coverage is the metric. Channing said the Trump people requested the painting, though he didn’t reveal whether they required Channing’s signature gold treatment. (Trump loves gold.) Stern was also dusted in gold. Channing also happens to be a mentalist — and he believes Trump may win. Hedging his bets, though, Channing told WIBX he plans to paint some other presidential candidates, too. Perhaps Hillary Clinton could look like this? Here’s Channing at work.