On The Bachelor, Ben Higgins ogles ten of the ladies who bob for apples in white t-shirts as they vie for the title of “Homecoming Queen.” For another test, Ben and six of the ladies visit the “Love Lab” where a blindfolded Ben smells each woman at the waist “near their reproductive organs” to see sense which woman pleases his olfactory system best. And then one lucky, presumably big mouthed, sweet smelling, woman will join Ben and receive a private performance by singer/songwriter Amos Lee.
The 38-year-old musician was born Ryan Anthony Massaro in Philadelphia. After graduating from the University of South Carolina, Lee worked as a schoolteacher and bartender to play the bills until he got a recording contract with Blue Note Records. Lee has toured as an opening act for Norah Jones, Bob Dylan, Elvis Costello, Paul Simon, Van Morrison, Adele and most recently David Gray – all recording artists who presumably would never be found dead on The Bachelor. Or would they? Lee has released five studio albums including his 2011 Mission Bell
debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard 200 chart.