Much as the January attack of the offices of Charlie Hebdo inspired #JeSuisCharlie, Friday’s horrific events in Paris have resulted in people all over the world expressing their sympathy for Parisians on social media. Twitter, Facebook, and other social media platforms are filled with messages of love and support, and the hashtags #JeSuisParis, #
Joann Sfar published a cartoon on Instagram (below) asking people to stop using the hashtag #PrayForParis, and to focus on the positive aspects of Paris. ‘Friends from around the world, thank you for #prayforparis, but we don’t need more religion! Our faith goes to music! Kisses! Life! Champagne and Joy! #parisisaboutlife.’ As a result of Sfar’s cartoon, #ParisIsAboutLife is now a heavily-trending hashtag on social media.