Donald Trump recently made fun of Jeb Bush for referring to the “fence” Trump would build to keep Mexicans out of America. It’s not a fence, Trump said, but “a wall — there’s a big difference.” But Trump wouldn’t need that wall if more companies did what Oreos are doing. The Oreo parent company (Mondelez International) is building a big plant in Mexico to produce Oreos, moving most of production out of Chicago.
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Trump reacted by saying he won’t eat Oreos anymore. But wait — if anyone knows the power of creating jobs it’s Trump. He keeps talking about it. And what do jobs do? They keep people employed and happy where they are. So if Donald Trump doesn’t want so many Mexicans coming to America illegally to find work, shouldn’t he applaud a business move that gives Mexicans a large incentive to stay in Mexico? Instead of quitting Oreos, Trump should think about eating twice as many. There’s always the Double Stuff.