The most startling thing about a gronom is its face—or more precisely, the absence of one.
Two young kirins rushed through a sunlit forest, scrambling over tree roots, dodging pinecones and toadstools. Rabbits and field mice eyed them curiously as they passed.
—James Priest, The Spell of No’an: Book I of the KIRINS Trilogy
Review: ”Having read all three books of James Priest’s wonderful trilogy, I have nothing but praise. The scope of this work, which takes us from the middle of North America across the Atlantic on the backs of birds to Stonehenge, is extraordinary. I enjoyed every moment I spent with the kirins. Priest’s work resembles Lord of the Rings, but is more rooted in nature and gentler in tone.” —Mary Logue, award-winning writer and poet, author of Dancing with an Alien and Snatched
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