The actress Jessica Biel eats well and she wants rich kids to follow her healthy lead. Biel has been talking up her idea for an organic restaurant for children for a few months now. Word is she’s found a spot. Toddrickallen reports that Biel’s Au Fudge–sounds sweeter than you thought, huh?–will open on Melrose in West Hollywood. It’ll take over the site of a former steakhouse. The times, they-are-a-changin’.
New York Magazine is calling Biel’s venture a “Soho House for Kids,” which is a reputation Biel will probably try to quash once her image consultants get word. Soho House is exclusive if nothing else, and Biel’s public persona is more of an I Love Everybody Equally kind. Especially kids–it’s really bad policy to get exclusive with kids. The world should at least seem fair when you’re seven. Expect Biel to occasionally bus in some kids who are unlikely to visit Au Fudge on their own, to get them away from the candy machines. Everybody will feel better. has this to say about the news: “Wooohoooo!!!”